Live Site Performance and Customer Reviews

The most important testimonial for the quality of our Shopify speed optimization services is the performance of the clients’ live sites and their reviews of our support. The honest feedback enables us to constantly improve our services to meet even the most challenging expectations of the clients. And that’s what makes us the best Shopify speed optimization service provider.

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At Edco Displaytec, one of Canada's leading retail stores, we help meet all retail needs from boutique to convenience store, or your showroom.

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Canada's top golf equipment distributor, Gencor Agencies, features a premium line of golf course equipment and golf training facilities.

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Experts Delivering Top-notch Speed Optimization Services

Top in speed optimization
We rank in the top position in Google for the keyword ‘speed optimization service’.
High rated company on clutch
With a rating of 4.6, we rank as one of the top-rated companies on Clutch.

What Makes Our Shopify Website Speed
Optimization Services the Best?

ITXITPro takes every Shopify speed optimization project seriously. Whether you are a small, large, or medium-sized business, we analyze your site on numerous elements to understand what and where the optimization needs to happen. This analysis-led workflow makes our clients trust us. In addition, the following elements also make us one of the best places to improve Shopify site speed.
10+ Years of
With 10+ years of experience optimizing websites for speed, we are adept at making your site faster and better.
90+ Score,
Our Shopify speed optimization team guarantees a speed score of 90+, which is enough to make your site load faster.
100% Money Back
You can get your money back, if you are unhappy with the project or if your site does not load faster enough.
Core Web Vitals
We work on understanding your site's Core Web Vitals and improving it according to our analysis for faster loading times.
2-Second Load Time
Everything we do on your site aims to make it load within 2 seconds and improve your site’s user experience.
Instant Chat Support
No matter what your concerns are, our instant chat support offers timely solutions to improve your site’s performance.

Page Speed is Crucial
for Your Online Store’s

Your only reliable option when selling online is an online store. It takes a lot of time and effort to design and build a site, source products, make them available to visitors, and market them to bring traffic to your site. All your efforts can fall apart if your site does not load faster. Without making your Shopify site load faster and respond quicker to user interactions, it is nearly impossible to sell.

That’s why you need to find out the issues behind your site’s slow loading speed and address them quickly. Each day you let your site be a slow-loading one leads to losing more customers. But it need not be the case, as we can optimize Shopify store for speed, performance, and growth.

Consult with us

Shopify Page

Grant Us Access
for Seamless
Access Insights for On-Page Speed Optimization
Implementing Optimizations Efficiently

How Slow Stores Negatively Affect Your

Nothing affects your online store’s sales and customer satisfaction like slow loading time. More than losing sales, slow loading times will lead your sites to have a bad impression in the market, making your brand less popular. Look at a few potential downsides of a slow-loading Shopify site.
Higher Bounce
No one wants to use a slow-loading website. If your Shopify store takes more than three seconds to fully load, the users do not wait as they have numerous other options. They will bounce off of your site and access a faster-loading site. And the user will never return to your site. This is not good for any online store, no matter what you sell.
Loss of Potential
When your site loads slower, it leads to a loss of potential sales. A visitor needs to browse through your product pages, access product images, add products to the cart, and make the payment for a sale to happen. If any of these takes a few seconds more to load, the user will abandon your site. And this leads to serious sales challenges for your online store.
Poor User
A potential buyer wants to purchase a product faster. They don’t want to spend a lot of time browsing or waiting for pages to load. Sometimes, even if your site is slow loading, a visitor may buy from you out of no other choices. However, the user will never get back to your site again or talk positively about the buying experience. That means that you have lost a customer for a lifetime.

Our Shopify Speed Optimization Workflow
for Better Performance

Optimizing your Shopify store for speed is a science that requires thorough analysis, planning, and accurate execution. You must also monitor the site to ensure that your efforts are paying off. Having realized this, we have a streamlined workflow to ensure your site's uncompromised performance.
Site Analysis and Assessment
Before we do anything, our Shopify page speed optimization team analyzes and checks your site for unique performance insights.
Reporting Analysis and Insights
We then create a detailed report on the findings and insights we arrive at. This also helps us let you know our project blueprint.
Building Optimization Strategy
Once you are convinced, we then build a suitable Shopify store speed optimization strategy tailored to your site and its weaknesses.
Finalizing Engagement Model
In this stage, we finalize the engagement model with you. You can pick any model based on your budget and other costing goals.
Implementing Site Optimization
Our team will start working on optimizing your Shopify store for speed and performance based on the strategy we have devised.
Site Analysis and Performance Reporting
After implementing the strategy, we will  closely monitor the site for improvements in speed and performance and report theme to you.
Basic Shopify
  • 90+ Google Desktop Speed Test
  • 65+ Google Mobile Speed Test
  • Upto 3 secs Load time on Gtmetrix
  • Same design and functionality
  • Detailed SEO Audit Report
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Advanced Shopify
  • 90+ Google Desktop Speed Test
  • 80+ Google Mobile Speed Test
  • Upto 3 secs Load time on Gtmetrix
  • Same design and functionality
  • Detailed SEO Audit Report
Buy Now
Expert Shopify
  • Core Web Vitals (Except LCP)
  • 90+ Google Desktop Speed Test
  • 90+ Google Mobile Speed Test
  • Upto 2 secs Load time on Gtmetrix
  • May require design and functionality change
  • Detailed SEO Audit Report
Buy Now

Frequently asked Questions

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What is the process of optimization?

The Shopify optimization process is very simple. You need to provide us with the collaborator access for your theme files. No other access is required to optimize your site. After analyzing the site for its issues using a range of tools and systems, we will plan the optimization process and what needs to be done. This blueprint helps us take care every single issue that may slow your site down. The time taken for the project depends on the size of the site, number of pages, and the gravity of the challenges.

+ Can I trust you to ensure my site's safety?

Yes, you can. We have been offering Shopify optimization services for a long time and have worked with many clients. We have secured access to their websites for the project and use it diligently. In order to ensure the safety of the store, we use top-notch access control systems and technologies. We also do not use the collaborator for anything other than to optimize the site. Hence, you can sit back confidently about your site’s security while we are working on it.

+ How do you keep my Shopify site operational during its speed optimization?

We never many any changes to your live Shopify store while optimizing it for speed and performance. Instead, we create a copy of the live site and make the changes on the site’s copy. Before making any change, we also offer you a preview and test them to ensure that there is no errors or downtime while working on your site.

+ Will you alter my website's design or functionality?

No, we will not maje any changes to the design or the functionality of the site. If any such changes are needed, we will inform you about it. You can consider the suggestion and go ahead only if you think it is for the site’s long-term benefit.

+ Will you optimize only the homepage or the entire site?

Our objective is to make your entire Shopify store perform better and load faster. Hence, the changes that we make in the backend will reflect on the entire site and all pages including the product pages, category pages, checkout page, and more.

+ Will you improve mobile speed as well?

Yes, of course. A large part of the optimization is aimed to make the site load faster on mobile devices as that’s what Google’s guidelines suggest. This is also done to improve the overall user experience, which is important for better conversions and SEO.

+ How long does the optimization process take to complete?

It is hard to say how many days it will take for a project to complete without looking at the site and analyze it for its performand and speed issues. Typically, it can take anywhere from 3-5 days. If your Shopify site is extensive and has a lot of pages and images, it can take more time.

+ Will I require optimization services regularly?

Not really. As the changes we make are permanent, your site will continue to load faster and perform better after our service. However, if you make any changes to your site, like adding new features, functionalities, integration, etc., it may require optimization to make your site load faster again. In such cases, you can work with us again in maintenance plans.

+ Do you provide support after completing the optimization?

Yes, we do. We offer you free support for two weeks after your site has been optimized entirely. This time period allows you to check and ensure that your site performs as you expected. You can also contact us to review the site if anything is not working as expected or if your site become slow again.

+ Why does my page speed vary whenever I check it on Page Speed Insights?

The metrics you see on Page Speed Insights are a result of various factors that are beyond just your website, such as the speed of the server, the ads running on your site, other third-party elements like tracking snippets for ads, and more. Hence, it can fluctuate naturally. The best way to understand the site speed is to run the test at least three times and calculate the average speed. That will give an approximate speed of your site.

+ What should I do if my question isn't listed here?

Click on the contact us button and ask your question. Our client support team is eager to talk to you and help you with all your questions, no matter what they are.

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