Want More Leads and Traffic – Grab the Responsive Web Design Now!

Published By Digital Marketing Team 7 February, 2021



Customer these days can connect to your website on a multitude of diverse devices. And if your site is not able to offer them with finest interactive experience, then you could surely end up losing your client. So, what is the solution to this?

Responsive Web Design (RWD)!

Responsive Web Design is a method of web design intended to craft sites to response automatically to user’s environment and behavior based on platform, screen size, and orientation. It has become not only a core feature of website designing, but also a crucial factor to determine the success of your online business.

Learn why:

1. Mobile Usage is Escalating and Will Stay

As compared to previous records, the users using mobile devices to access internet have tripled. According to a survey in 2014, this number is ever increasing and will continue to grow. It is because the youth is every time employing its phone to shop online or search for valuable information. Even the professionals prefer using ‘internet on mobile’ to carry research work during and after working hours.

Above 90% of executives use smartphones for their business.

Above 70% of employees employ smartphone to carry research on services/products for their organizations.

2. Consumers like enhanced and interactive user experience

Today, no user has the patience to encounter a bad user experience. Users use tablets, smartphones, and notebooks to connect with countless brands in innumerable ways. So, for your business to flourish well, it is essential that your website provides them with a positive visiting experience. Readability, easy navigation, excellent response, and more such factors keep the customers engaged with a website. If you can’t invest enough time in delivering your clients with a gratifying and impactful online experience, especially for mobile users, then surely don’t expect them to do business with your brand.

3. Social Media Success Increases Online Visitors

As stated in a recent research, more than 60% of social networking activities are conducted by users with their smartphones. So, if your online business is linked to any social media functionality then making your website more responsive can bring more traffic from mobile. As a result, your click-through rates will also boost up excellently.

4. Responsive Websites are Google’s Favorite

Google firmly supports RWD as the optimal method to target mobile users because:

  • It enhances Search Engine Optimization
  • Online Business Reputation is Greatly Improved
  • Loading time of a website may get reduced
  • With one URL, it becomes easier for Google to crawl your business website
  • Sites with RWD look great on all devices

5. Content Management becomes Simple

With one website to upgrade, focusing on content quality becomes easier. It allows you to spend more time on enhancing your content and gain online business benefits from it.

6. Cost is Reduced, and R.O.I. is Increased

RWD is a streamlined way of managing a good website with quality content. Hence, you have only one website to manage, instead of two, which results in less expenditure and more revenue.

So is Responsive Web Design the recent fad, or something very vital that you really need to consider? If you think that answer to it is yes, then here you are a step above to enhance your online business credibility!

We assure to offer customized responsive web design solutions to boost your business online repute and presence.

Just Remember to Go Responsive!

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