Strategies To Win Back Lost Customers

Published By Digital Marketing Team 24 November, 2022



The February, 2022 edition of the ‘The CMO Survey’ reveals marketers worldwide are more than pleased to allocate 57% of their budgets to Digital Marketing activities. What more, they are even planning to increase spending by another 10% in 2023.

In their opinion, Digital Marketing will dictate the future of their business.

The survey also pointed out more than 30% of marketers said that they experienced average-to-no returns on their Digital Marketing investments. This can be attributed mainly to customers’ shifting their loyalties to other businesses. When customers’ gravitate to other businesses, their business stands to lose them.

Poor marketing strategies are the reason for poor returns on Digital Marketing investments, and loss of customers’.

ITXITPro, a leading Digital Marketing solutions provider in India, outlines in this blog post what strategies needs to be adopted to win back lost customers’.


Winning back lost customers’ can be an arduous task. But then win you must if you want your business to get back on track. Even if you win back lost customers’ by 5 percent, it can help to increase your profits by 25 to 85 percent.

To make it possible, you will need to adopt a strategy that

Creates Personalized Campaigns

Creating personalized campaigns can bring lost customers’ back to your website. Before that, segment them based on their interests and last interactions. Then get a reliable company like ITXITPro to craft a Digital Marketing reengagement campaign that will build up their trust in your brand again.

During the COVID-19 pandemic, many marketers used Digital Marketing to navigate through difficult business conditions. They conceived personalized campaigns that connected with customers’ stuck at home. This also helped them build a culture of continual learning and experimentation. They also gained valuable insights to deliver personalized services. Eventually, many could garner higher ROI, notch greater revenues, and outpace competitors to drive business expansion.

ITXITPro can assist your business during these tough times by personalizing Digital Marketing campaigns. It can disseminate relevant content personalizing the headline with catchy sentences like ‘Welcome Back Again, We Miss You A Lot’. This can get lost customers interested in your business and come back to your website.

Use Personalisation Tactics

According to a recent survey report, personalized communications convinced nearly 2/3rd of consumers’ stay loyal to a brand and buy from it. Most lost customers’ tend to leave due to a negative experience with the website. They find the experience impersonalized and feel completely unsatisfied.

With UI/UX, personalization can go a long way to winning back lost customers’.

An intuitive UI/UX design provides what your lost customers want, and lets you leverage color schemes in a way that evokes emotions in them. This will connect your business to them again and win them back.

ITXITPro specializes in UI/UX and knows how to leverage the power of animations, colors, sounds, visuals, and slogans to better connect with lost customers’ and rebuild lasting relationships.

Aside from this, ITXITPro can also leverage UI/UX to deliver comfortable, hassle-free experience to customers’ at every touch-point with your brand. The better the user-experiences and interfaces, the more they will convince < ahref-“”lost customers to come back; and also drive customer loyalty.

Fine-Tune Your Content Marketing Tactics

It’s said ‘Content is King’.

It truly is king for it has the power to bring back lost customers’ traffic to your website.

Unfortunately, most companies tend to ignore this aspect. This stems from minimal importance given to Content Marketing. In many cases, SEO professionals have been guilty of focusing on their clients’ websites neglecting not only Content Marketing but also the state of their own SEO. As a result, many customers’ tend to gravitate to other sites that offer insightful content in depth.

ITXITPro can help you in this regard. Its strong expertise in Content Marketing and SEO will make sure your website has top-of-the-funnel content inclusive of SEO-related keywords that goes beyond what your business sells. This will facilitate the right search intent and cover every stage of your marketing funnel.

Optimize Your Website For Mobile

Long gone are the days when your customers’ used to sit at their desk behind a PC to access the web. Today, they’re on Smartphone’s even when they are on the move or travelling.

Mobile transcends almost every segment of the society today. So much that Google acknowledged users’ changing trends by insisting on mobile-friendly websites. Its ‘Mobile Friendly Update’ on 21ST April, 2015 blurred the gap between mobile and PC users.

According to Google, a majority of monthly searches today come from mobile devices. To stay counted, it’s imperative to have a mobile-friendly website and optimize it for mobile.

ITXITPro can get your SEO tactics back in no time. Its expertise in keyword research, link-building, etc, and familiarity with Google updates and user-related keywords, will ensure user-targeted content that will get the bottom of your digital marketing funnel working positively.

Win Them Back With Ppc Campaigns

Lack of proper exposure is often one of the major reasons for losing customers’.

Win back lost customers’ by launching a pay-per-click (PPC) campaign. The pay-per-click campaign with focus on promoting your products/services can offer benefits to customers’. Additionally, it can have programs that will help you reach out to lost customers’ about the effectiveness and value of your products/services. They will act as an incentive to come back.

The pay-per-click campaign can also carry a personalized message with catchy phrases like “Let Us Catch Up Again” or “Have Not Seen You For Long”. They will appeal to customers’ sentiments and make them feel valued.

Initially, they might not make much impact. But gradually with time through marketing efforts they can turn lost customers’ into repeat customers’ once again.

ITXITPro brings to the table, years of pay-per-click experience. Responsive and adaptable to customers’ needs, it can craft and implement pay-per-click campaigns with focus on winning back lost customers’ in a way that will convince them to come back instantly. With ITXITPro, you will not only be able to win back lost customers but will also be able to achieve stellar results in the form of high return on investments (ROI), grow lead generation and sales, and shore up brand reputation.

Why Winning Back Lost Customers’ Matters?

Want to know why winning back lost customers’ matters a lot. Then read on…

Chances of an existing customer buying are 60 to 70% compared to just 5 to 20% chance of a new customer buying something from your business.

Existing customers’ tend to spend 50% more to try out a new product from your business than new customers.

65 percent of a company’s business comes from existing customers’.

Companies have 60 to 70 percent chances of selling to existing customers’ when compared to 5 to 20 percent to a new customer.

Acquiring new customers’ costs six to seven times more when compared to retaining existing ones’.

Around 72 percent of customers’ gravitate to a competitor after just one bad experience with a brand.

Finally, businesses lose over US$ 75 billion every year to lost customers’. The reason for this is poor customer service.

The above statistics clearly show why winning back lost customers’ matters a lot.

Re-engaging with lost customers’ can be difficult and can also take a long time. Hence, the most cost-effective strategy would be to convince them from leaving in the first place instead of getting in touch with them after they have left. Such customers’ can be identified by tracking how long they have taken to open their emails or logged into their email account. Before they intend to leave, they can be reached out to with re-engagement mails with a message highlighting their importance and the value they experienced with your products/services.

Finally, it is important to evaluate your business’ capability. This will give you a precise understanding why you have lost customers’ even with goodwill restored. It could probably be your marketing tactics are not in tune with market trends, or your products/services are no longer needed, or may be your business is no longer compatible with their expectations.


Winning back lost customers’ will determine if your business will perish or survive.

May be, not all lost customers’ can be won back. But there always lays great hope to get back a good number of them provided you alter your strategies and reorient your business to changing trends and needs.

Digital Marketing has created growth opportunities even for small businesses. This is where; ITXITPro with its strong prowess in Digital Marketing can assist your business to win back lost customers’.

Employing its vast repertoire of skills in SEO, Pay-Per-Click, Content Marketing and UI/UX, ITXITPro can recreate a magical experience for your lost customers’; an experience that they would like to experience time and again.

Working with you, ITXITPro can harness its skills to not just win back lost customers’ but also to grow your customer base and discover limitless growth opportunities.

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