Modern Web Design Trends In 2016

Published By Digital Marketing Team 18 January, 2021



The Web Design industry is swift-paced and to add an extra edge to your designs that set them outstanding requires you to get aware of the top trends ahead of time. Everyone have its predictions and so do we. It is completely your choice that whether you want to settle at one position or you want to move forward with time. If you opt for latter, then you must go through our predictions for modern web design trends in 2016. So for what are you waiting? Let us dive in right away.

Elements that causes changes in Web Design

Before you read our predictions, you must develop a basic comprehension of elements that drive changes in web design.

Users – Just like other digital fields, even web designing holds a user-centric approach. The web designers and developers employ the latest technology to shape a fantabulous design landscape and promote its structure towards a forward-looking direction.

Technology – Advancements and transformations in the available tools and technology, both for building and accessing websites, create a major impact on the overall web design structure.

Other creative domains – The trends and latest happenings in other creative domains like graphic designing and more, eventually lead to alterations in the web design industry.

Most of the users nowadays are gadget fanatic and expect a website that looks incredible and works fantastically fine with all types of devices. Responsive Web Design and employing CSS to convert the appearance of a page on a device are some of the techniques recommended by Google. For this reason, some of the trends listed below will illustrate instances to create websites that are suited to RWD.

Modern Web Design Trends in 2016

Flat 2.0 and Minimalism Design

Minimalism augmented in 2015 and will stay strong in 2016. It is an adequate design for RWD with no clutter, excellent usage of white space and focusing only on aspects that are important. A prevailing web design approach that blends excellently with the minimalist philosophy is flat 2.0 design.

The principles of Flat 2.0 are clearly represented by Google Material Design, like – the material world’s allegory with the intelligent use of movement, shadows and light, provide users with an interactive design approach. It also explains the basic components of print-based designs such as negative space, grid, vibrant colours, hierarchy and exclusive imagery.

Simple Vintage Patterns from the 80’s

The glorious era of hefty computers and big cell phones of the 80’s and 90’s are the major source of inspiration for the trending vintage flavour on the web. Galactic backgrounds, pixelated text and icons and interactive graphics will boon a lot in 2016.
Iconography and Bright Custom Illustrations

The easy to implement icon fonts and wide browser support for Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) is an ultimate solution for pixelated displays resulted out from high pixel density monitors. As a result to this, users will see more colourful and vivid web design illustrations. The modish hand-written SVG icons and icon fonts that are beautiful and crisp in screen resolution will also remain hit this year.

Interactive Engaging Experiences

With CSS3, HTML5, JavaScript APIs such as Greenock and WebGL, as well as the possibility of hardware acceleration the design structure and graphics on the web will be much more engaging and interactive.

Efficient Website designs that are enough to capture the user’s attention for a longer period and with rich content and images that keep users scrolling to the bottom of the page will gain favouritism this year.

Statement Creating Typography

Typography is a major component of great branding and design where users end up landing a page to gain more information about a specific topic. With services like Typekit and Google Fonts, designers can create custom fonts that are easy to execute and look pleasing. The year 2016 will witness more creative of artistic fonts and other creative elements on websites.

Flexible Grid Layout

Layout based on grids, especially Pinterest such as cards layouts are still highly popular. Flat design 2.0. Minimalist architecture and elite front-end frameworks such as Bootstrap have all together made it possible to structure grid-based web design layouts that are appealing and successfully.

The year 2016 will witness more playful Internet layouts that are different from a stubborn grid design. You can consider this as a gentle rebel against the classic grid. It will also support enhancing the interactivity and appearance of the grid.

Out of the Box Designs

With CSS3 patterns gaining support in the coming future, it is expected to see more web components and designs breaking out of the basic rectangle shape pattern. Rounded contours and soft edges can enhance the composition of elements and their interactivity on the web page. Web design demo like Alice in Wonderland crafted by Adobe can be a real-time website design in 2016.

HD Visual Assets

Augmented bandwidth, extensive browser aid of HTML5 video and methods to deliver high-resolution graphical effects, specifically to units with retina screens, all cumulate to the attractiveness of amazing HD background videos and images on sites growing stronger than before.
Wide browser support for CSS3 background blending can lead to the implementation of visually appealing artistic effects on images that are carved in the browser with simple lines of CSS code. Cinema graphs have also benefitted with the widespread favour. These are stables images with only a certain animated portion, normally a fine detail that precisely catches the attention of visitors on a website. The concept is not new, but the immense success of visual photos on advanced iPhones that appear close to cinema graphs and sturdy browser support for the HTML5 canvas play a major role in such elements being listed at the top of the design trend in 2016.

These modern web design trends in 2016 are not sealed units or self-contained. Web designers can implement a mix of these trends as different patterns suit distinct requirements. It is because over and above these trends the uniqueness of a design and the robustness of the browser support will create a major effect on how a website performs this year. If you have your own design trends for the year, then do share it with us.

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