
There was a time when being anything other than a heterosexual male or female was considered a massive sin that can’t be forgiven. While things may be the same is some part of the world, several countries have come forward in openly supporting LGBTQ rights. In fact, today, we have a lesbian Prime Minister in Serbia, an openly bisexual governor in the American state of Oregon and several of the most renowned celebrities in different film industries that have opened up about their non-heterosexual orientation. Believe it or not, up until a century ago, nobody could have thought that the world would be so openly accepting to members of the non-heterosexual genders.
So, what changed in such a short time? Researchers involved in gender studies believe that there is a multitude of factors that have all come together in helping the LGBTQ community. One of the most prominent factors that researchers across the globe agree on is the unprecedented growth of Information Technology in the recent few decades.
It’s hard to believe that the internet, a place where trolls have a free hand for spewing hatred in any part of the world, could actually work as a buttress for a community that has stayed marginalized ever since the dawn of human civilization. In this article, we are going to discuss exactly how this works. So, without further ado, here are 4 ways in which the internet is uplifting the LGBTQ community across the globe.
1. Spreading Gender Awareness
The internet is the ultimate source of knowledge in modern society. Answers to any question that crosses your mind can be answered in just a matter of seconds as you Google it. It’s no secret that ignorance breeds hatred, and enlightenment instills a sense of unity.
So, when people learn about how homosexuality is a completely natural orientation as evident from different species in the animal kingdom, it’s obvious that all the myths surrounding homosexuality being a mental disorder get blown out of the water. Sure, knowledge is the ultimate support in this case, but the internet is the medium through which the whole world can access it.
2. Uniting the Voices Fighting for Gender Equality
Whenever history is portrayed in books and movies, people living in the ancient and medieval times are shown to have an extreme distaste towards homosexuals. While that’s true to some extent, there are several accounts of small communities fighting for gay rights throughout history. The reason why they kept failing was that their voices were spread across different periods and places across the globe, and these groups couldn’t unite like the Russian Revolution or the French Revolution.
Today, however, with the power of Information technology in their hands, such communities are finally able to come together to fight for their cause. Several awareness programs and gay right protests are organized around the world, thanks to their promotions on the internet.
3. Positive Internet Vigilance
The internet allows a user to have open discussions on any topic of their choice with other users in the world. Discussions on sensitive topics such as LGBTQ rights often turn ugly when an internet troll tries to spoil the whole conversation with their intention to incite homophobia among other users.
However, from what has been observed time and again, these voices are often shut down when the whole world unites in the spirit of love to stand up against hate. It’s quite natural for a neutral user, who is a mere spectator of such a discussion, to develop positive vibes about homosexuality when the internet version of street justice is being served to these trolls. These global discussions are yet another way in which the internet is supporting the LGBTQ community.
4. A Platform For Famous Personalities To Openly Discuss Their Sexual Orientation
As we talked at the beginning of this article, today, a lot of celebrities and politicians have opened up about their non-heterosexual orientations. It gives a great sense of reassurance to every common citizen, who is not straight when the people they look up to talk openly about their rights through their social media handles.
Such famous personalities speaking for the empowerment of the LGBTQ community through various online platforms is way better than a paparazzi piece in a local newspaper. In fact, today’s film industries are largely liberal. Celebrities, irrespective of their sexual orientation, are supporting gay rights, and social media is where people get to hear their voice first-hand.
About Feronia Fashion Night
We, at ITXITPro, are committed to raising awareness of LGBTQ rights in India. We are the official IT partners of Feronia Fashion Night, India’s first-ever androgynous beauty show. ITXITPro manages the online presence and promotions of the event to reach out to every Indian and spreading the beauty of the LGTBQ community.
After a massive success in its first two runs, Feronia Fashion Night is going to be back with its third edition on September 2019. Here are the details of the event:
Date: 1st September 2019
Time: 6:00 PM
Venue: The Grand Bhagwati Palace, Indore
If you support the LGBTQ community, you are invited to attend this beautiful event where models and designers from around the world will come together to fight gender stereotypes in India. See you there!