Project Overview
VaxiBuddy Maintaining accurate and up-to-date vaccination records in a busy pediatrician's office can be a daunting task. To address this challenge, we developed VaxiBuddy, a SAAS-based ERP practice management software designed to streamline the management of patient vaccination records. This user-friendly solution aims to simplify the daily activities of pediatricians, providing an efficient platform for tracking and managing patient data.

Project Challenge
- Limited Built-in Features: CodeIgniter's simplicity may pose challenges in handling scalability, especially as the vaccination program expands. Team optimized database queries implemented caching mechanisms, and explored cloud-based solutions for scalable infrastructure. Considered using load balancing to distribute traffic.
- Scalability Concerns: Plugins from different developers may not always work seamlessly together, leading to conflicts. Choose well-maintained and regularly updated plugins. Tested plugins in a staging environment before deploying them to the live site.
- Real-Time Updates: Providing real-time updates on vaccine inventory, vaccination schedules, and other critical data. We have experts in implementing asynchronous processing using AJAX or other technologies for real-time updates. Our Team optimized database queries and utilized caching mechanisms in CodeIgniter for improved performance
- Push Notifications: Implementing push notifications from the CodeIgniter server to the Android app. Integrated a push notification service (e.g., Firebase Cloud Messaging) in the Android app. Our developer conducts code to send push notifications to the app through the configured service.
Track and visualize patient growth over time, providing valuable insights for healthcare professionals.
Efficiently manage and update vaccination records for each patient, ensuring a comprehensive overview of their immunization history.
Facilitate scheduling for multiple providers and facilities, minimizing scheduling conflicts and optimizing appointment management.
Simplify the billing process with integrated medical billing features, improving financial management for pediatric practices.
Here you can see total quantity of vaccine purchased and remaining available stock of vaccine of a particular batch along with expiry date and vendor name with invoice number also

Tools & Technologies
VaxiBuddy website and app were made using CodeIgniter for the website and Android for the mobile app. CodeIgniter is known for being simple and flexible, while Android helps reach more mobile users. The system is supported by SAAS-based ERP, making it easy to use and manage health data. MySQL ensures strong data storage, making VaxiBuddy efficient and successful.
The implementation of VaxiBuddy has resulted in a more streamlined and efficient vaccination record management process for pediatricians. The software has proven to be a reliable tool in addressing the challenges faced in busy pediatrician offices