Seo Impact On Tech Marketing: Improving Online Visibility

Published By Digital Marketing Team 23 March, 2023



According to reports, around 68 percent of online activities start with a search engine. Without SEO, improving online visibility; and fuelling traffic drive and sales leads to a website is almost impossible. But not so, if you happen to get your website optimized by the best search engine company like ITXITPRO.

As the best search engine optimization company, ITXITPRO offers result-oriented search engine optimization services with an SEO strategy that will get your website to appear in 1st position in the 1st page of Google search results; and also help enhance your online visibility.

Whether its tech marketing or any other marketing, increasing online visibility, and attracting qualified leads are among the many reasons why SEO is important to a successful digital marketing strategy.

ITXITPRO explains in this blog post the impact of SEO on tech marketing and how it helps to improve the online visibility of your brand.

Impact Of SEO

An effective SEO strategy allied with the best search engine optimization services India remains the cornerstone of web marketing.

The following factors pinpoint how proper SEO tactics can help to improve online visibility.

Select Appropriate Keywords

Marketing campaigns in most cases, place too much of emphasis on a defined target-audience.

The focus should instead be on targeting keywords used by the target-audience rather than the target-audience. This will help to attract more potential customers’ interested in what you have to offer or doing business with you.

  • Identify and target a specific keyword phrase for each authoritative content page on your website. By visualizing what kind of search terms users might use when searching for the specific page, you can arrive at the specific keyword phrase.
  • Create a list of keywords that you would like your website to rank for. Once done, use keyword tools to work on the same.
  • Use competitive research to fine-tune your keyword list by finding out who your competitors are; what keywords their website is ranking for; and whether their site has backlinks and if so, what kind are they. Use the inputs gathered to create an effective SEO strategy

Among the best search engine optimization services India providers, ITXITPRO knows what kind of search terms associated with your product that users are most likely to use. Additionally, SEO experts at ITXITPRO can also think outside the box for search terms that will help you to fill a specific niche that is less competitive.

Post Only Quality Content

Once you’re done with selecting appropriate keywords, next up should be posting only high-quality content on the website, blog, or social media pages.

For instance, if you happen to make products or offer services, then your site should have web pages with relevant product/service information. Relevant graphics, infographics, and videos that represent them will further elevate the value of the web pages.

Avoid at all costs posting content that

  • Does not reflect your company;
  • Does not convey the intended information;
  • Consistently pushes for a sale; or
  • Is excess or lacking in depth.

Such content tend to drive away potential clients and also risk having your website getting penalized by Google. This will push your website’s ranking down the SERPs.

Optimize Your Website For Mobile Devices

In the era of Smartphone’s, the importance of mobile SEO cannot be overlooked. The algorithms of all search engines are giving more prominence to mobile-driven websites. Hence, it’s important to ensure your website has a responsive design. This will make it compatible with all kinds of devices and browsers as well; and also reconfigure its display settings that match the device’s screen size.

Despite this, it has been found that not all websites run that effectively on smart phones as they do on desktop computers. To negate this effect, the website is best designed around what experts call as ‘around the use of a single finger’ concept. This involves simplification of the website’s navigation which will make the buttons easy to find and also click; and reducing the size of large images which otherwise consume longer load time.

As a part of its search engine optimization services, ITXITPRO can effectively optimize your site’s or blog’s content for desktop and mobile. In addition, ITXITPRO also offers mobile web strategies that can be implemented in a very short period of time, with handsome payoffs.

Ensure A Link-Worthy Website

A website that contains authoritative, unbiased, and content-rich web pages is most likely to attract quality and relevant links from other websites. The more it is able to attract such links, the more it will improve its authority.

To better improve the website’s authority,

  • Relevant links are best added within the web page with meaningful text rather than with words like ‘Click Here’. Like for instance, text like ‘ITXITPRO SEO Program’. It is rich with keywords. This will help to improve the website’s search engine rankings, and also the ranking of the page your site is linking to. On the other hand. ‘Click Here’ will have no search engine value beyond the attached URL.
  • Descriptive Links are best used by linking keywords. This will help to improve SEO and also add value that matters to the site users, including users with disabilities or using screen readers.

A link worthy website will attract more user-traffic and increase its ranking on Google.


As the best search engine optimization company, ITXITPRO not only offers the best of high quality search engine optimization services but also synergizes the right blend of robust analysis; creative thinking, in-depth research, and rich-quality execution to deliver results that offer healthy ROI; and help you to realize your goals in the digital world.

Read more – Simplify Your SEO Strategy Without Any Tools

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