The Future Of Social Media And Its Effects On Marketing

Published By Digital Marketing Team 20 February, 2023



Social media has become like a hydra-headed monster, with a growing presence in almost every walk of life. As it advances at an exponential rate, and social media giants constantly remain at each other’s throats to stay on top, people are left wondering as to how the world of social media will look like tomorrow.

Noted futurist and Senior Vice-President, Communications, at Philip Morris International, Marian Salzman, says, “A mix of the current social atmosphere and virtual reality will be the social vehicle of the future.”

According to Hootsuite’s Digital Trends Report, 2022, over 60 percent of the world’s population, that is, roughly 4.70 billion people, used social media. In 2022, the number of social media users increased by 4.2 percent.

Worldwide, people spend an average of 2 hours and 28 minutes every day on social media. This trend is mostly being fuelled by teens aged 13 plus years. Over 75 percent of them are said to be using social media.

Social media has become an ecosystem that is ever-evolving. Its runaway popularity has spawned the opening of a new avenue called Digital Marketing which uses different digital platforms to market a product or service.  As a part of Digital Marketing umbrella, Social Media Marketing is what that markets products and services on social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, etc.

As per the latest statistics of Statista, a whopping 93 percent of marketers across the world are using social media marketing services and social media advertising for marketing activities. The effectiveness of social media marketing can be gleaned from the fact that 97 percent of online consumers access social media at least once a month.  For most consumers, social media marketing has become a major source of product information.

Notable brands like Amazon, Reliance, Walmart, AIG, etc, have included social media marketing in their marketing plans. Several more companies are contemplating or have already added social media marketing services as a part of their marketing promotional and advertising strategies.

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As social media continues to attract big money and bigger audience, it begs the question – what will be the future of social media and its impact on marketing?

Whatever the future of social media holds for marketing, top Social Media Marketing Agency, ITXITPro is well-placed to offer the best-in-class social media marketing services India, to businesses and individuals alike, and help them achieve their goals.

Likewise, top Social Media Marketing Company, ITXITPro explains in this blog post, as to what the future of social media holds for marketing.

Future Impact Of Social Media On Marketing

Before introspecting on the future of social media in marketing, it is important to note that it has already changed the landscape of marketing, almost beyond recognition.

With social media, the response time is much faster and the audience engagement is much wider when compared to what is possible with marketing techniques of old.

Social media impact in the future will see marketing


Social media is by nature analytic-friendly. It lends itself well to data analytics. Most social media platforms have their own analytical tools. Like for instance, Facebook has its Facebook Analytics, and similarly Twitter has Twitter Analytics. Aside from these, there are a number of third-party analytic tools available. Like Hootsuite, etc. They not help to obtain precise data information but they also help to monitor the progress of social media marketing campaigns, and such likes.

With social media, marketing will become more data-driven, as more marketers will continue to leverage analytics to harness data that will offer valued insights. This will help to predict future campaigns and improve current ones.

As analytic tools come to play a larger role in marketing, there will be more demand for professionals who are well-trained in effectively harnessing not only the power of social media but also the power of analytic tools.

When marketers use the right analytic tools, they will be able to

  • Get a more accurate overview of their campaigns.
  • Get a more accurate perspective on what to report back to their clients.
  • Keep their company brand relevant in the age of fake news and information oversaturation.
  • Determine how campaign messages need to resonate with varied audiences and achieve success. For instance, Facebook Connect can be leveraged to deliver targeted messages to the audience who connect with the campaign; and gather data.

Leading Social Media Marketing Agency, ITXITPro is well-conversant with data analytics. It stands well-positioned to provide you social media marketing services that are data-driven to deliver quality results.


Video content is already making up a large chunk of internet traffic. Back in 2017, it made up around 74 percent of all internet traffic. Since then, social media has adapted to the changing trends. Facebook Live and Instagram stories are fine examples of the switchover to visual content.

Already more users are spending time watching Facebook Live videos than other categories of video content on the platform.

By using video content on social media, marketing professionals will be able to engage their audience in a more direct manner. To do it successfully, there will be a need for marketers with new age skill-sets allied with the ability to effectively film and edit visual content.

As demand for visual content rises, marketing too will adapt to the new category of content with a new format that will successfully deliver brand messages. Increased use of visual content will lead to increased use of 360-degree video and eventually, a fully-immersive visual experience through Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR).

AR is already being increasingly used by some marketers who are leveraging Snapchat’s filters, to send across static images and video content in the app. Snapchat filters have gotten better in recent times with newer additions. This will open up new avenues for marketers to market and promote their company brands.

ITXITPro possess the requisite skills to develop visual content that will not only deliver your brand messages to the right audience but will also guarantee your audience the best immersive visual experience.


Press releases are increasingly becoming a key tool in successfully promoting a company’s activities. They have undergone tremendous changes over the years as more marketers have come to recognize the importance of digital marketing. Already, many of them are using what’s called as SMPRs (Social Media Press Releases) instead of traditional press releases.

What will make SMPRs more acceptable in the marketing of tomorrow is marketers will be able to harness the benefits of digital format like multimedia and social media capabilities as well as linking.

With social media, press releases content

  • Can be easily shared. Additionally, it facilitates two-way symmetrical dialogue with the intended audience rather than one-way communication channel as is in the case of traditional press releases.
  • Can be easily drafted to announce a new product or service. Then using press release distribution service, get the news across on all major search engines and social media networks.
  • Will include images, videos, and other multimedia. This will allow marketers to convey their message and news in a more interesting way that will keep the audience engrossed for long.
  • Will get instantly distributed worldwide. This will allow the marketers send messages and news that will reach out to millions of people around the world through social media and email.
  • Offers viral possibilities. An online press release can go immediately viral if it’s shared over social media networks. If done successfully, it will generate a buzz that can never be expected from a traditional press release.
  • Improve brand image. Publishing and distribution of press releases online through social media will become a breeze. Marketers will be able to send out as many press releases as they would like to. This will eventually improve their company’s brand image.

In addition to the above, SMPRs can be optimized with specific keywords relating to the company. Effective social media optimization will enable the company information to be easily accessed by people through search engines. Additionally, people will be able to read them anywhere on their Smartphone’s.

ITXITPro knows how to craft engaging social media press releases with specific keywords; and harness its expert social media optimization expertise to optimize them in a way that can be comfortably accesses by more people.


In recent years, there has been a spurt in virtual communities across the digital world. There are already virtual communities for forming friendships, or learning new knowledge on topics of common interest.

A Virtual Community means a social network of people who communicate on topics of mutual interest, through specific social media channel anywhere from the world. They are attracting lots of audiences as a result of which companies are grasping the chance to target and connect with the audiences.

The future will see marketers increasingly tapping the potential of virtual communities through social media. They will be able to market their campaigns as well as send across their messages to more people. In the bargain, they will also be able to broaden their social circle and market their brand more effectively.

ITXITPro stands ready to create a virtual community that caters to your requirement in a way that will market your social media campaigns successfully to a diverse audience.


Several celebrities from various walks of life are increasingly harnessing the power and reach of social media to connect with their fans and admirers. This has led to the growth of influencers and the rise of influencer marketing.

Prominent bloggers and vloggers today make up a large part of marketing and public relations. Marketers have come to acknowledge their outreach on par with media relations.

In the future, marketers will tend to use the services of multiple influencers with a smaller audience rather than link-up with big names that have become brands in their own right. Such influencers are called as micro-influencers who have 100,000 followers or less.  By using micro-influencers in their marketing campaigns, marketers will be able to extract better engagement between their brands and audiences, which in most cases consistently stays higher than the engagement rates of more well-known individuals. Linking up with micro influencers’ will give their company’s brand more authenticity.

As a top Social Media Marketing Agency, ITXITPro can harness the power and reach of social media to connect your selected micro-influencers with the right audience who matter to your company’s bottom-line.

Also read, Tips For Increasing Brand Awareness Through Digital Marketing

Future Of Social Media Advertising

Like Social Media Marketing, Social Media Advertising is an effective channel for marketing campaigns.

According to Hootsuite’s Digital Trends Report 2022, ad spending on social media is projected to touch over $268 billion in 2023. The report also predicted that social video advertising is projected to touch $79.28 billion in 2024.

In 2022, marketers spent around $ 65.31 billion on social media advertising.

What makes Social Media Advertising so effective is the more you spend, the more you will earn a healthier ROI. Already many top brands like Amazon, etc, are using social media platforms to advertise their products and services.

The impact of social media on advertising in the future will witness.


No business will be able to market itself and reach out to a wider swathe of audience without providing a good user-experience.

A positive user-experience is a must. To guarantee the users the best possible user-experience, marketers will increasingly focus on testing the limits of user-tolerance for disruptive advertising on social platforms. This will enhance the quality of user-experience and also enable marketers to maintain workable ad revenue thereby ensuring the viability of their social media marketing services.


Artificial intelligence is already making waves around the world. Likewise, it will boost the power of social media advertising.

AI has already optimized marketing for some firms, producing great results for other digital marketing channels like email.

In the future, marketers will use AI to optimize social media advertising for collecting huge mounds of data and then optimize them to gather quality insights. With better insights, marketers will be able to make better informed decisions and also launch more impactful campaigns. Eventually, they will be able to garner high ROI.


As social media technology gets better, interacting behavior will dramatically change on social media.

Already, a lot of marketers are using video chats to make their communication with the audience easier and better. Videos are also increasingly being produced to launch new products/services in the market. Better still, audiences are also finding videos more interactive, engaging, and above all, less time-consuming.

As the number of social media users increase in the future, there will be more number of social media ads and videos.  This will help companies to reach out to more people, and marketers will be able to enhance the visibility of their brand in the market. The only hitch will be the cost of social media advertising which is high currently. Although it is predicted to stabilize and come down in the future, the ROI will be more and the results will be fruitful.

Whether you’re looking to improve user-experience or use video content in advertising, leading Social Media Marketing Agency, ITXITPro can cater to your requirements with its out-of-the-box social media advertising solutions.


As social media technologies get better, the future for marketing with social media will hold tremendous positive possibilities. The social media landscape too will evolve as newer platforms will make their presence felt while older ones will be reinventing themselves.

Amidst these impending scenarios, leading Social Media Marketing Agency, ITXITPro remains well-positioned to provide result-oriented social media marketing services India, to help you adapt to the ever-changing social media landscape.

Additionally, in line with its status as the top Social Media Marketing Company, ITXITPro will also help you to experiment with different social platforms and work out which among them best suits your requirement to connect with the right audience.

By leveraging the expert social media marketing services of ITXITPro, your business will be able to stay ahead of the curve in the most effective way possible.

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