Marketing Mistakes Your E commerce Business Need To Avoid

Published By Digital Marketing Team 28 November, 2022



Ecommerce business can be delicate.

It is vulnerable to political turbulences, market fluctuations, economic volatilities, and above all, the unpredictable behavior and habits of consumers’.

Now, if you’re one of those with an e-commerce store, it’s time for you to take a hard look at where it is and where it should be going ahead. Is its e-commerce marketing strategy and plan working as effectively as it was before or has it outlived its utility value?

As you fine-tune your e-commerce marketing strategy and plan in line with prevalent trends, you should look to avoid falling into the same e-commerce marketing pitfalls again.

ITXITPro outlines in this blog post, common critical marketing mistakes that should be avoided to walk the right path to success.


Many marketing mistakes can look innocuous but eventually can turn out to be dangerous. They can make or break your e-commerce business.


Not Understanding Who The Target Audience Is

The online marketplace is a vast universe in itself. Your e-commerce business audience will be online and your e-commerce website can target all types of audiences.

But without knowing exactly who the target-audience, it will not be possible for your marketing campaign to attract the right audience to your e-commerce business.

This is a common mistake most e-commerce businesses are prone to make.

No e-commerce business can attract an audience that has no interest in it. Instead, it will end-up attracting fewer people to its products/services. This will result in poor sales.

Additionally, no e-commerce marketing strategy or plan can take off without knowing who the target-audience is. On the other hand, knowing who the target-audience is will allow your e-commerce business’s marketing campaign to target them more directly.

ITXITPro knows exactly how your e-commerce marketing strategy and plan should focus on its target-audience and be successful. It also knows what kind of tools available needs to be leveraged to lure the right target-audience to your e-commerce store.

Not Having A Proper Social Media Marketing Strategy

In October, 2022, there were 4.74 billion social media users around the world. This is equivalent to 59.3 percent of the total global population. Every single second, the average rate of new users was six.

Today, well over 9 in 10 internet users use social media every month.

These statistics indicate clearly no e-commerce business or for that matter, business of any kind can afford to ignore the power of social media marketing today. Many e-commerce marketing mistakes are said to have occurred due to negligible or poor social media management.

That’s a mistake that your e-commerce business needs to avoid.

Social media connects the customer directly to your e-commerce business brand. This will help your brand to engage them purposefully and promote your products/services better, convincing them to buy them. Finally, this will lead to more sales, business, and revenue growth.

However, they will not fructify unless your e-commerce business has a clear-cut results-driven social media marketing strategy and plan in place.

ITXITPro strong expertise in social media marketing is not just restricted to planning and executing a campaign. It goes beyond that to craft a customized plan of action that will guarantee the sustained growth and evolution of the campaign with measurable results. This way, ITXITPro ensures all your social media campaigns are professionally managed. This will help your e-commerce business to avoid not only losses but also avoid committing marketing mistakes.

Not Having Proper PPC Management Strategy

Pay-per-click (PPC) is one of the largest drivers of traffic and revenue for all categories of e-commerce businesses. Whether you’re planning to start an e-commerce business or looking to grow your e-commerce sales, pay-per-click can help drive traffic to your e-commerce website.

However, pay-per-click will be of minimal use if it’s not properly managed. Most e-commerce businesses tend to ignore this aspect during their marketing campaigns.

This is a big marketing mistake for proper pay-per-click management is essential. It will give your e-commerce business a good understanding of how your PPC ads are doing. Additionally, it will also get to know how and where your budget can help to maximize ROI and maintain a sound profit-margin.

ITXITPro can help manage your pay-per-click campaigns effectively. Aside from constantly monitoring PPC campaigns; ITXITPro can also craft an effective advertising plan; help streamline your budget; and optimize spending. All of these will help your e-commerce business to cost-effectively hit its e-commerce KPIs. Eventually, your e-commerce business will be able to realize productive and beneficial results.

Not Having Adequate Social Proof

Social proof may seem irrelevant to most e-commerce businesses. They are ignored in their e-commerce marketing strategies.

But fact is it is a big marketing mistake.

In reality, social proof is one of the most powerful e-commerce marketing tactics that can get potential customers’ to buy from your e-commerce business.

Things like referrals, reviews, product testimonials, and such likes, help build trust with prospects and fuel conversion rates. They all guide prospective as well as regular customers’ to know what other customers’ had to say about your product/service. This will eventually convince them to make up their mind on your products/services.

Aside from reviews, referrals, etc, social proof can also be included in social media and content marketing strategies. ITXITPro knows how to generate user-generated content that aptly reveals how people actually use your products/services.  This will boost your e-commerce marketing efforts and help influence more audience in a positive way.

Not Providing User-Experience

Today’s customers’ are a demanding lot. They are particular about not just value for their money but also about the experience that e-commerce platforms have to offer.

A good user-experience does not end with just the platform. It also factors in a high level of customer service when users are on your e-commerce site pages and also, after they make their purchase. If your site is found wanting on these aspects, it stands to lose potential customers’ to other sites.

Unfortunately, most e-commerce businesses ignore these aspects in their marketing campaigns. It is a marketing mistake that can prove to be expensive later.

ITXITPro recognizes what needs to be done to avoid making this mistake. It can inject a new lease of life into your e-commerce site by

  • Making it device and browser friendly, with an attractive interface, clear layout, and easy navigation facility.
  • Optimizing site content in a way that truly reflects your brand persona. This will cover product descriptions, easy checkout process, etc.

By ensuring a positive user-experience, ITXITPro can help your e-commerce store to rank higher-up on Google SERPs.

Not Analyzing Your Data

No matter the amount of effort you put into your marketing channels, it will prove to be ineffective if your e-commerce business is unable to analyze them properly.

Unfortunately, most e-commerce businesses tend to make the marketing mistake of continuing with the same e-commerce marketing strategies that have not been properly analyzed. This problem occurs because they do not pay attention to their data.

ITXITPro can prevent this mistake from occurring through an effective process of collection, modeling, and analysis of data. This will help your e-commerce business to acquire precious insights. Like the channels customers’ use to communicate with your e-commerce business; and their location, purchasing history, interests, behavior, etc. These insights will help it to make informed decisions that will optimize your e-commerce business’ performance. They will eventually increase the success rate of your marketing strategies; discover new prospects and opportunities; and minimize the risk of improper targeting.

Over the years, a great majority of marketing mistakes have taken place because most e-commerce businesses did not have clear-cut marketing strategies. Sadly, most still do not recognize this aspect. ITXITPro can help such e-commerce businesses including yours’ from getting trapped in such a vicious cycle.

It is well-positioned to not just conceive a strong and powerful e-commerce marketing strategy that relies on a cohesive mix of SEO, social media, email marketing, etc, but also well-placed to craft a well-thought-out e-commerce marketing plan to increase business profits and revenue as well as customer retention rate; reduce the number of abandoned carts; and more.


You cannot build a good e-commerce business overnight.

It requires sustained proper planning and execution with a clear-cut marketing strategy and plan to supplement it.

Poor e-commerce marketing mistakes have ruined many e-commerce businesses campaigns even before they got off the ground.

Hence, avoiding marketing mistakes is essential for any e-commerce business, irrespective of size. If your e-commerce business happens to make them, then just fix them the way ITXITPro has suggested and move on. Soon, you will see a jump in your sales.

ITXITPro is ready to help take your e-commerce business to the next level. With its profound understanding of building and executing scalable and effective solutions in social media marketing pay-per-click, etc, it can devise an e-commerce marketing strategy and plan that will help your e-commerce business continually stay ahead of the curve.

Yash Swami

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